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Visible Scars

Addressing violence, stigma and discrimination against sex workers in Kenya.

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In Kenya, sex work-related behaviours and same sexual practices remain criminalised through national laws and county by-laws. Studies show that criminalisation of sex work obstructs sex workers' safety, health and rights and hinders them from accessing police protection and justice. This leaves them vulnerable to violene stigma and discrimination. In contexts where criminalisation of sex work exists, police officers frequently misuse their powers to conduct arbitary arrests and forceful detention of sex workers, perpetrate violence against sex workers, and refuse to provide adequate police protection to sex workers.

Kenya's legal framework and it's relation to criminalisation of sex work

Kenyam law does not directly criminalise sex work. However, numerous legal provisions that prohibit activities associated with sex work, including living off earnings earned from sex work, soliciting clients and public indecency have a indirect criminalisation on sex work. Such legal frameworks deny sex workers their fundamental constitutional rights, including equality before the law, human rights and security

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