The broad objective of this manual is to standardize and enhance human rights knowledge and legal awareness on key issues impacting on the rights of sex workers in Kenya. This manual seeks to provide all-inclusive training to community paralegals to assist peers in resolving everyday issues, identify right violations, assist when they are confronted by potential rights abuses and seek redress where their rights have been abused.The Training Manual is intended to be a practical and flexible instructional training document. Each module can stand alone or be used in whole or part, depending on the target training audience and can be adapted to specific situations depending on the needs of trainees. The manual will enhance both community paralegals’ skills and legal knowledge, thereby providing a better quality and uniform standard of service provided to poor and vulnerable communities. However, a five-day training program is essential for effective delivery of the complete curriculum
It is to be used by the Kenya Sex Workers Alliance (KESWA) to provide basic legal information to identified paralegals who will offer legal ‘first aid’ to victims of human rights violations. It is structured in such a way that the trainees and other CBOs implementing interventions for sex workers
As a trained paralegal, you will be expected to perform the following functions:
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