Globally, patriarchal societies thrive due to policies and socio-cultural practices that normalize gender discrimination and exclude marginalized populations. The Beijing Platform for Action adopted by 189 governments during the 4th world conference on women in 1995 is lauded as the most comprehensive policy on gender equality, women's and girls' empowerment. The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action provided a foundational framework to accelerate the attainment of gender equality and fulfillment of women's and girls' human rights in their diversity. As we celebrate the 25th anniversary of the framework, it is crucial to be cognizant that the celebration falls within the period of SDGs implementation, review, and follow up. Gender equality and women's empowerment are espoused in the SDGs framework, and the United Nations Secretary-General has declared 2020-2030 the Decade of Action. Notably, more than 8 of the 17 goals have explicit gender targets and indicators, and the overall promise of the SDGs is to LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND. Therefore, this strategy in proposing the approach and entry points will also be mindful of opportunities beyond the Beijing+25 review to extend into SDGs 5 implementation and beyond. The extension into SDG5 implementation ensures that KESWA is brought into the broader ecosystem of Gender and SDGs implementation, review and follow up in Kenya, across the region, and globally.
This advocacy strategy will also respond to the realization that women's rights organizations, including sex workers movements, have continued to invest in expert gendered analysis on broader policy issues. This is important towards attaining the dynamic Beijing Platform for Action and the gender agenda within the SDGs framework to ensure alignment with existing national, regional, and global commitments on women's rights.
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